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Bow lathe comparison

The closest I can find to my ideal design for the Utilitarian Mk1 so far... a hand powered bow lathe. I'm not keen on holding the chisel with my feet, but this does suggest that hand power and a simple set of steel points and basic tool rest is adequate.
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The Utilitarian Mk1 (This won't be pretty)

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Maybe you don't need a lathe at all

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Lathes are for people who can't cut circles by hand

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Simple skateboard bearings for homemade lathe

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No tool rest, no lathe tools ... no problem!

I made it through to about 4:15 on this video before suddenly feeling the need to take shelter behind armoured glass. The number of times the chisel catches gives a few clues about why strapping blocks of wood to really fast motors and then freehanding them with random tools you had laying about might be a bad idea. Pilesofplenty ,  the creative mind behind this attempt, is upfront about this not being safe. Citing "wanting to find out if woodturning was something he would enjoy" as motivation, I feel this demonstration is a big vote in favour of asking your buddy who has a lathe if you can come over on Saturday afternoon.   By 8:10 we get to the roughing gouge with no handle and well .. yeah. I wonder if there is a sequel to this.